
thought log

not long enough for a blog post. longer than a status update.

march 25 2025, 8:37am • euclid is still the perfect song. it isn't always my favorite, because that does change from time to time, but man. it is perfect. I don't know how else to describe it.

march 23 2025, 6:55pm • man I've been having a great weekend playing bloodborne and doing crafts and generally just hanging around but I also feel like I could burst into tears at any moment so that's really cool and fun

march 21 2025, 4:14pm • firefox broke so I've just finished setting up waterfox as a replacement... already enjoying that it's not squishy and the address bar etc take up MUCH less space. nice.

march 20 2025, 4:54pm • listen I love emergence (I really do, it's so important to me) but euclid really is the perfect song. ok? those guitar riffs under "the night belongs to you"? just tear open my chest already.

march 18 2025, 9:17am • being a lurker in fandom spaces before/after covid is so weird, man. like sure things were way different in 2013/2016 and we were all younger but goddamn some of these kiddos do not know how to act at all

march 13 2025, 10:29pm • man death stranding is a lot sillier than I have it credit for & I'm glad kojima thinks earnestly of his work. it wouldn't be the same if he thought it was silly

march 13 2025, 8:53am • emergence is so mf good I'm so sorry to everyone I know irl I will not be shutting up about this song. "come on, come on out from underneath who you were, come on, come on now you know it's time to emerge" once again music finds me exactly when I need it to

march 12 2025, 1:23pm • the mass adoption of using discord servers over forums is seriously out to get my goat. no true anonymity, no readily archiveable information, just channel upon channel of mods telling people the basic rules of interacting with other humans

march 12 2025, 10:48am • it's just so great that every web service under the sun decided that ai/llms are fine and good. nothing is sacred everything sucks

march 11 2025, 3:07pm • sometimes you have to let the shit break you. sometimes you have to let it sting.

march 10 2025, 2:24pm • maybe I should. get more into graphic design and its roots. dunno. I don't think I'll be happy working a job as long as it's tied to income and livelihood but there are ways to make it. well. more fulfilling than what I'm doing now, I suppose

march 10 2025, 11:25am • wrestleposting but I really can't believe we had 3 banger, blood-fest matches only to end the night with mox and cope. the pacing was lackluster!

march 10 2025, 9:12am • I've never had a stronger urge to make an old keitai my main phone

march 9 2025, 12:16pm • lowkey I always feel like I'm not playing toys right. or somehow when I play by the rules and it's in my favor, suddenly there's no longer an interest in the game at hand

march 9 2025, 3:40am • phone decided to shut off every time it's closed so I put in for a warranty replacement. it got approved so now I just have to wait for it to get here then switch everything over and ship the old one back.